These principles are constitutional, advance voter opportunity, and are supported by the vast majority of voters. OppScore stands with the American people on the issues that matter to the vast majority of voters…
America is the “Land of Opportunity” and Americans expect that their legislators are working to provide more opportunity for a better life - not to serve themselves and other interests at our expense. 4 out of 5 voters today believe that Politians are self-serving and unaccountable to the public.
Grand Opportunity wants to change this, we want to reward politicians for providing the most opportunity to the public and hold politicians accountable for stifling our opportunities. We do this by rating each politician’s policies with the 5 Points of Opportunity Star.
We assembled the top issues that American voters are the most concerned about and separated them into Five Points of Opportunity that map to the five points in the Opportunity Star.
We Follow the Five-Point Opportunity Star
The system is based on Grand Opportunity’s 5 Points of Opportunity as identified in the five-point star depicted above, “Personal Opportunity” at the top point, followed Economic, Social, Educational and National Opportunity.
Our political credit rating system rewards points to legislators and candidates who stand for the 5 Pro-Opportunity principles that are supported by the majority of voters – and to penalize them when they stand against these principles with negative Anti-Opportunity points.
The OppScore system ranges from -5.0 points (extreme Anti-Opportunity) to 0 (no Opportunity) up to +5.0 points (strong Pro-Opportunity). In our view, all politicians should achieve an OppScore of +3.0 points or higher, or be removed from office by the voters and replaced with a candidate who represents the People.
Representing “…Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” and our Constitutional freedoms. Every other point depends on these truths. Without liberty, we have no freedom, no security, and no prosperity. We value life and support the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment and other Amendments to the Constitution, our personal privacy rights and states’ rights. We oppose the broad expansion of the federal government and its increasing use of unconstitutional power, political censorship and court packing. We will hold our elected officials accountable. This point sits prominently atop the five-point Opportunity Star.
Representing free market economics, domestic job growth, lower taxes, fair trade, common-sense regulations, and a pro-small business government agenda. We oppose the unchecked power of technology monopolies and corporate oligarchs, increasing the national debt, and fraud, waste and corruption in government. We also oppose socialist economic planning and expanded government ownership and control of industry and the economy.
Representing equal civil rights for people of all backgrounds, races, ages, religions, orientations, lifestyles, classes and political beliefs. We oppose all forms of bigotry and divisive identity and racial politics, including Critical Race Theory. We support the 2-parent nuclear family – same or opposite sex -, and affordable and accessible market-driven health care for all via both a government public option and private plans, prison reform, and assistance for veterans, the elderly, the disabled, disadvantaged youth & the most vulnerable in our society (American citizens).
Representing the best education for our children through school choice, school vouchers, and more parental involvement in the classroom, teaching factual American history, US politics and civics in schools – and not political indoctrination -, free speech on campus, supporting vocational schools, charter schools, STEM studies, and economically viable career paths, and addressing the high cost of tuition through college and government reforms.
Representing securing our nation’s safety through U.S. military strength and readiness, supporting our servicemen and women, ending endless wars, supporting our police, fire and first responders and remaining a country of laws and enforcement, supporting border security, lawful immigration, stemming border crime and drugs, demanding transparent, free and fair elections and voter ID laws, and supporting sensible and science-based environmental and renewable energy solutions while regaining American energy independence.
The message is simple: Either our elected officials in America are working FOR us and providing opportunity for a better life for ourselves, our families and communities – or they are corruptly working AGAINST us, eliminating opportunity and serving themselves, their pockets, corporate lobbyists and special interests instead. We need an easy to use system to simply identify who is who, based on what the majority of voters stand for on the issues they care the most about. Politicians who aren’t serving the interests of people need to be replaced with those who will.
The fact is that voters are far more united than we are divided on the critical issues, and the data gathered by our Political Credit Rating system proves it. No single political party truly has our backs and there must be a better way to choose our legislators than by party affiliation alone. American voters need a clear way to determine which of our legislators are working for us, and which are working against us, based on a majority consensus on the issues..
What is the OppScore® It’s a non-partisan, universal political credit rating based on the Five Points of Opportunity, popular principles which are constitutional, advance voter opportunity, and are supported by the vast majority voters. In short, the OppScore stands for and with the American people on the issues that matter to them most. It’s that simple
Movies get Rotten Tomatoes ratings. Businesses get Yelp ratings. Now, Politicians are finally getting rated too, with the OppScore® from GOUSA. Keeping them 100% Accountable, like a FICO credit score for politicians. We are asking all voters in America to endorse the OppScore, and demand that their legislators do the same. Endorse here.
“If sunlight is the best disinfectant, then the OppScore® is the Best Political Disinfectant”.
We need a universal and non-partisan political rating system like this for our elected officials, who will often lie and use slick ad campaigns to win office – and then break their promises to focus on their own pockets, power, control, and outside interests instead of us, the people, their true bosseAt GOUSA, we assembled the top issues that American voters are the most concerned about and separated them into Five Points of Opportunity that map to the five points in the GOUSA Opportunity Star – Personal, Economic, Social, Educational, and National Opportunity. As the “Land of Opportunity” Americans expect that their legislators are working to provide more opportunity and a better life – not to serve themselves and other interests at our expense. 4 out of 5 voters today believe they are self-serving and unaccountable to the public.
We then looked at each of these issues and asked, “What do the majority of voters support for each issue?” We studied polls, surveys, and voter research using sources from all sides of the political spectrum. To rate sitting legislators and candidates, we objectively study their published positions and policy statements on the issues, voting records, press statements, interviews and social media, as well as ratings from a range of qualified nonprofit organizations.
Our political credit rating system rewards points to legislators and candidates who stand for 25 Pro-Opportunity principles that are supported by the majority of voters – and to penalize them when they stand against these principles with negative Anti-Opportunity points.
The OppScore system ranges from -5.0 points (extreme Anti-Opportunity) to 0 (no Opportunity) up to +5.0 points (strong Pro-Opportunity). In GOUSA’s view, all politicians should achieve an OppScore of +3.0 points or higher, or be removed from office by the voters and replaced with a candidate who represents the People.
The system is based on Grand Opportunity’s 5 Points of Opportunity as identified in the five-point star depicted below, “Personal Opportunity” at the top point, followed by the rest in clockwise fashion: Economic, Social, Educational and National Opportunity.
The red, white and blue “upright” star-circle logo icon represents one positive, “Pro-Opportunity” point in the rating system. Positive points range from zero to +5.0. Politician rating points are depicted in stars, to the nearest ¼ fraction.
The red and yellow “upside down” star-circle logo icon represents one negative, “Anti-Opportunity” point in the rating system. Negative points range from zero to -5.0. Politician rating points are depicted in stars, to the nearest ¼ fraction.
Note: Scores are either a full positive numerical score if in clear support of a position, full negative numerical score if in clear opposition to a position, or zero if (a) unable to ascertain a clear position or (b) positions on a given topic are ambiguous or evenly mixed. Not fractional scores permitted. (i.e., if point weight score listed is 0.25, the score is either 0.25, 0, or -0.25, and not a fraction of these amounts). Maximum high score is 5.0 and maximum low score is -5.0.
Politicians are rated based on the following criteria:
TOTAL (20%): + 1.0 / -1.0
TOTAL (20%): +1.0 / -1.0
TOTAL (20%): +1.0 / -1.0
TOTAL (20%): +1.0 / -1.0
FINAL TOTAL: +5.0 / -5.0
OppScore does not endorse or oppose political candidates for public office.
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